Mammals |
Sciurus carolinensis |
eastern gray squirrel |
abundant |
yes |
Odocoileus virginianus |
white-tailed deer |
common |
no |
They come up through the power easement once a week or more in the winter, then wander up the trail through our woods looking for food. |
Sylvilagus floridanus |
eastern cottontail |
occasional |
yes |
We don't see them as much as formerly, now that we have young active dogs. Basset hounds are rabbit dogs, after all. |
Microtus pennsylvanicus |
meadow vole |
abundant |
yes |
Mus musculus |
house mouse |
abundant |
yes |
The favorite toy of Felis catus, when available. |
Reptiles |
Terrapene carolina |
eastern box turtle |
occasional |
no |
Chelydra serpentina |
common snapping turtle |
rare |
yes |
One juvenile (body about two inches long), crossing the street towards our woods, so we helped it along. |
Eumeces fasciatus |
five-lined skink |
abundant |
yes |
They hide under the siding of the house and come out to sun themselves on the cinder block wall. |
Carphophis amoenus |
worm snake |
common |
[yes] |
Every time I dig up a patch of garden I find one. |
Elaphe obsoleta |
black rat snake |
common |
[yes] |
Beautiful creatures, and they're on the payroll: They keep the mice down. |
Agkistrodon contortrix |
copperhead |
occasional |
[no] |
Seen only once. Black rat snakes tend to drive them away, as they'll eat baby copperheads. |
Amphibians |
Bufo americanus |
American toad |
abundant |
yes |
In rainy years they breed like mad. They're everywhere. |
Bufo fowleri |
Fowler's toad |
abundant |
yes |
Even more abundant than American toads. |
Rana clamitans |
bronze frog |
rare |
no |
Seen only once, swimming in the duck's pool. |
Rana catesbeiana |
Bullfrog |
rare |
no |
I hear bullfrogs every summer about a quarter mile through the woods in a stagnant creek. Only once or twice heard one on our property. |
Acris crepitans |
northern cricket frog |
rare |
? |
Seen only once, but they're tiny and well camouflaged, so I expect there are more. |
Pseudacris feriarum |
upland chorus frog |
occasional |
? |
Heard in our woods but not seen. These are fantastically abundant a half-mile away. |
Pseudacris crucifer |
spring peeper |
occasional |
? |
Heard in our woods but not seen. In March these are deafening a half-mile away. |
Ambystoma maculatum |
spotted salamander |
rare |
no |
Spotted only once during a wet winter. |
Birds |
Zenaida macroura |
mourning dove |
abundant |
[yes] |
Melanerpes carolinus |
red-bellied woodpecker |
common |
? |
Picoides villosus |
hairy woodpecker |
common |
? |
Picoides pubescens |
downy woodpecker |
occasional |
? |
Colaptes auratus |
northern flicker |
occasional |
? |
Dryocopus pileatus |
pilleated woodpecker |
rare |
no |
Sphyrapicus varius |
yellow-bellied sapsucker |
rare |
? |
Cyanocitta cristata |
blue jay |
common |
yes |
Dumetella carolinensis |
gray catbird |
occasional |
no |
Bombycilla cedrorum |
cedar waxwings |
rare |
no |
A small flock of them showed up a couple of times one winter to eat the berries on our Chinese holly bushes. That's the only use I've ever found for the holly bushes. |
Buteo lineatus |
red-shouldered hawk |
occasional |
yes |
A pair once nested in our woods. Haven't seen any in a few years. |
Accipiter cooperii |
Cooper's hawk |
frequent |
no |
Poecile carolinensis |
Carolina chickadee |
abundant |
yes |
Baeolophus bicolor |
tufted titmouse |
common |
[yes] |
Sitta carolinensis |
white-breasted nuthatch |
common |
yes |
Sitta pusilla |
brown-headed nuthatch |
rare |
no |
Thryothorus ludovicianus |
Carolina wren |
abundant |
yes |
They nest every year in the top of our propane tank. |
Turdus migratorius |
American robin |
abundant |
yes |
Hylocichla mustelina |
wood thrush |
common |
yes |
We have one pair in our woods every summer. I rarely see them but always hear them calling on June evenings. |
Regulus calendula |
ruby-crowned kinglet |
occasional |
? |
Setophaga pinus |
pine warbler |
rare |
no |
Dendroica coronata |
yellow-rumped warbler |
ocasional |
no |
Pipilo erythrophthalmus |
eastern towhee |
common |
yes |
Melospiza melodia |
song sparrow |
common |
no |
Winter only. |
Zonotrichia albicollis |
white-throated sparrow |
common |
no |
Winter only. |
Zonotrichia leucophrys |
white-crowned sparrow |
common |
Winter only. |
Geothlypis trichas |
common yellowthroat |
rare |
? |
Junco hyemalis |
dark-eyed junco |
common |
no |
Cardinalis cardinalis |
northern cardinal |
abundant |
yes |
Quiscalus quiscula |
common grackle |
abundant |
yes |
Agelaius phoeniceus |
red-winged blackbird |
common |
no |
Molothrus ater |
brown-headed cowbird |
occasional |
no |
Carpodacus mexicanus |
house finch |
common |
yes |
Spinus tristis |
American goldfinch |
common |
? |
Passerina cyanea |
indigo bunting |
rare |
no |
Seen only once. |
Sialia sialis |
eastern bluebird |
occasional |
no |
Toxostoma rufum |
brown thrasher |
common |
yes |
Archilochus colubris |
ruby-throated hummingbird |
abundant |
yes |